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SPC(Storage Performance Council,存储性能理事会)
2008/10/7 8:33:07    

SPC(Storage Performance Council,存储性能理事会)为非盈利机构,它的建立就是为了定义、标准化以及促进存储子系统的基准,同时向计算机厂商和用户发布客观、权威的性能数据。SPC对所有公司、学术机构及个人开放,接受其成为SPC成员。SPC的每一次测试结果都经过审核并被同行认可,以确保结果的一致性和准确性。


About SPC

The goal of the SPC is to serve as a catalyst for performance improvement in storage subsystems. It works to foster the free and open exchange of ideas and information, and to ensure fair and vigorous competition between vendors as a means of improving the products and services available to the general public.

In support of its goals the SPC develops benchmarks focusing on storage subsystems. These subsystems include components like: electronic disks, magnetic disks, magnetic tapes, optical disks, media robots, media robot software systems, media library software systems, backup/archival software systems, hierarchical storage management systems, as well as the adapters, controllers, and networks that connect storage devices to the computer system.

The SPC is also focused on expanding the recognition and use of its industry-standard benchmarks as well as publicizing those benchmark results. As a result, customers will be able to more accurately assess the performance and price/performance of competing storage products prior to acquisition. Although anyone can run SPC benchmarks, for them to be disseminated and adopted within the industry, published benchmark results must successfully complete a SPC audit for accuracy and authenticity.

Join the SPC

The Storage Performance Council (SPC) is a vendor-neutral standards body focused on the storage industry. It has created the first industry-standard performance benchmark targeted at the needs and concerns of the storage industry. From component-level evaluation to the measurement of complete distributed storage systems, SPC benchmarks will provide a rigorous, audited and reliable measure of performance. By joining the SPC you will not only benefit from the insight that the SPC results will provide to the storage industry, but you will have a hand in defining the workloads and benchmark specifications that produce those results, assuring they address not only the broad needs of the industry, but the particular concerns of your own organization.

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