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【产通社,7月5日讯】半导体产业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association, SIA) 3日公布,2012年5月全球半导体3个月移动平均销售额报243.9亿美元,较前月的240.7亿美元(3个月移动平均值)上扬1.4%,为连续第3个月呈现月增,创2010年9月以来最长增长纪录;但较2011年5月的252.4亿美元下滑3.4%。

5月份全球各主要市场3个月移动平均销售额呈现好坏参半,亚太 (月增3.1%)、欧洲(月增0.8%)的增长抵销了美洲(月减1.8%)、日本(下滑0.6 %)的颓势。




Global Semiconductor Sales Increase in May, Remain on Track for Modest Growth in 2012
Published Tuesday, July 3, 2012 4:30 pm
by Dan Rosso

WASHINGTON, D.C.—JULY 3, 2012—The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), representing U.S. leadership in semiconductor manufacturing and design, today announced that worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $24.4 billion for the month of May 2012, a 1.4 percent increase over the prior month when sales were $24.1 billion.

Combined global sales for the March-April-May period increased over December-January-February by the highest rate (6.4 percent) since June 2010. Additionally, May marked the third consecutive month that sales have grown over the previous month – the longest streak of sequential monthly growth since September 2010. However, sales from May 2012 were 3.4 percent lower than the May 2011 total of $25.2 billion, and 2012 year-to-date sales were lower across all regions than at this time last year. All monthly sales numbers represent a three-month moving average. 

“The upward trend of global semiconductor sales is encouraging,” said Brian Toohey, president & CEO, Semiconductor Industry Association. “Recent sales totals are in line with industry projections of modest growth for the remainder of 2012, but a sluggish global economy continues to provide substantial headwinds, limiting more robust growth.”

Regionally, semiconductor sales increased in Asia Pacific (10.5 percent), Europe (4.4 percent) and the Americas (1.6 percent) over a three-month moving average, but fell slightly in Japan (-0.7 percent). However, Japan realized an increase in sales from May 2011 to May 2012 (0.4 percent), while Asia Pacific (-1.9 percent), the Americas (-3.2 percent) and Europe (-13.6 percent) all saw year-to-year decreases.

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