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今天是:2024年4月26日 星期五   您现在位于: 首页 →  智造 → 工业电子(应用指南)
日期:2012/8/12 12:04:47   作者:

When an energy supplier supplies reactive power, it overloads the lines and transformers. In France, there are two tariffs for which we can install power factor correction equipment:

(1) The "Yellow Tariff" (S between 36 and 252 kVA): reactive power is not billed but high consumption of reactive power by machines results in a bad Cos ϕ value leading to a poor apparent power value which may cause the installation to exceed the subscribed power value

(2) The "Green Tariff" (S > 252 kVA), EDF bills excessive reactive power from 1st November to 31st March (during normal and peak times, excluding Sundays) above the following thresholds:
> tan ϕ > 0.40 so Cos ϕ < 0.928 on the primary of the transformer
> tan ϕ > 0.31 so Cos ϕ < 0.955 on the secondary of the transformer

General concepts concerning power factor correction and electrical networks 2
 Why is power factor correction necessary? 3
 What are harmonics? 4
 Influence of harmonics on power factor correction and filtering cabinets 6
 Effects of resonance 7
 Estimation of parallel resonance 8
 What is distorting power? 10

Power factor correction cabinet technology 11
 Technology of the safety capacitors 12
 Choosing the type of correction 13
 Choosing where to compensate 14
 Varmetric controller 15
 Connecting the varmetric controller 16
 Connecting your current transformer 17

Defining your Power Factor Correction cabinet 18
 3 steps for defining your Power Factor Correction cabinet 19
 Definition of the K factor 20
 Definition of the cabinet on the basis of real measurements of the harmonics 21

Specific applications of Power Factor Correction 23
 Compensating asynchronous motors and transformers 24

Compensation and attenuation of harmonics 27
 Filters and technology 28
 Where to install your filter 29
 The Enerdis range 31


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