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日期:2010/9/26 22:53:23   作者:

RVU Protocol: Networked Home Entertainment With Pixel Accurate Remote Graphics

RVU allows the television viewer to watch live or recorded programming on various manufacturer-branded TVs or clients while experiencing a consistent user interface—no matter which client device is employed.

RVU supports networking on existing home infrastructure. RVUcompliant TVs and clients are networked in the home with an RVU server. Once connected, the TV viewer can watch the same or different content from any room of the home. Viewers can access either prerecorded or live content, premium content such as high-definition video and audio, or personal content such as photos and videos via the media server. RVU supports a novel remote user interface that allows user interactions such as trick play (e.g., pause and rewind) and the running of interactive applications—all via a thin client.

The RVU protocol addresses the digital video industry’s need for commonality and flexibility. It is available to consumer electronics (CE) manufacturers via the RVU Protocol Specification. Because RVU uses open standards (including DLNA and UPnP), it simplifies software integration and enables cost effective solutions that CE manufacturers can leverage to create RVU clients such as TVs.

In short, RVU eases the provision of home networked commercial entertainment content while heightening the user experience.

Read RVU Protocol whitepaper, see http://www.rvualliance.org/files/static_page_files/E769BA0D-1D09-3519-AD1C802C5AADD330/RVU_White_Paper.pdf

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